Blog Post #2

     As I previously stated, I have a good deal of experience when it comes to using Microsoft Word. However, in my last post, I made a mistake when I said that I used Microsoft programs while in the IT academy when I meant to say Adobe programs. Although I still used Microsoft Word all through high school and college as well as have taken a class on how to use it. Microsoft Word the word processing software that I have the most experience with and am most comfortable with using. 

    After reviewing the ISTE Standards for Educators, it was somewhat tough to narrow down what I found to be the most meaningful to me because I feel as if all of them are very important. I came to the conclusion that being a leader is the most important in my opinion because educators are usually guides their students. If the educator cannot effectively lead the class, then there are bound to be issues. Also, being a leader may set a good example for the students and inspire them to want to become leaders themselves.

    I agree with the term "digital native" for most of today's youth as many of them are taught with technology and use it for many purposes. However, I don't agree with some of the stereotypes that go with the term such as not liking to read or having short attention spans. I believe that can vary depending on the person and their interest. I have seen differences in how digital natives and digital immigrants use technology mostly in what we use it for. I usually see teachers aim to use technology to impact learning in the classroom, but most young digital natives use technology for their own entertainment or hobbies. If I have students in the future, I assume technology will only be more advanced by then. I hope to still be if not more familiar with it, so I'll be able to implement it into learning and make things easier for me and the students.


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